On this page you will find Information on Important Dates & Livestock Deadlines, YQCA,
Livestock Exhibitor Book and Junior Livestock Files & Forms.
- 10/31/24 - Replacement Heifer Ownership
- 11/1/24 - Replacement Heifer Agreement & Required Paperwork Due
- 2/3/25 - Calfhood Brucellosis & BVD-PI Deadline (if not turned in with original paperwork).
- 3/23/25 - Mandatory - Beef Weigh-In, Replacement Heifer Weigh-In & Preg Check, 8-10 am. All Independent Beef Exhibitors Paperwork & Photos Due!!
Checklist for Market Beef:
* YQCA's
* Local Bred/Exhibitor Bred form (if applicable)
* AES & COPY of Bill of Sale (if applicable)
* Exhibitor/Parent Code of Conduct
Checklist for Replacement Heifers:
* YQCA's
* Local Bred/Exhibitor Bred form (if applicable)
* AES Form ((if applicable) We already have a copy of your Bill of Sale)
* Exhibitor/Parent Code of Conduct
FYI - Per CDFA, a Bill of Sale or Consignment (Yellow Slip) must be filled out and in the vehicle, any time cattle are transported within the State (i.e.: transporting to shows, pre-weigh and weigh-in, changing pastures, etc.). The yellow slip can be found on CDFA’s website here.
- 5/1/25 - All Entries Open & Fair Event Ticket Sales Open
- 5/18/25 - Mandatory - Swine, Lamb & Market Goat & Small Market Animal Pre Weigh-In & Declaration, 7-10 am. All other Independent Market Exhibitors Paperwork & Photos Due!! All remaining Market Animal Exhibitors YQCA's are Due. In order to participate in Local Bred/Exhibitor Bred Classes you must also turn in the appropriate paperwork at this time. Swine will additionally need to turn in BREEDER ACCREDITATION that you receive from the breeder where you purchased your animal from stating that the market hog is compliant with the Prop 12 Animal Confinement requirements under HSC section 25992(d) and 3 CCR section 1324.1 (a)(4). See Checklist Below.
Checklist for Swine, Lamb & Market Goat & Small Market Animals:
* Local Bred/Exhibitor Bred form (if applicable)
* Exhibitor/Parent Code of Conduct
* For SWINE ONLY - the State of California, Department of Food & Ag,
Animal Health & Food Safety, Animal Care Program Certificate, and a
COPY of your Bill of Sale. Bill of Sale must match the Certificate. If you
do not have a Certificate at the time of Declaration you will be given a date
deadline on the day of declaration to turn that Certificate in. If a Certificate
is not turned in, the animal will have to go through the Jr. Livestock Auction
as a "Custom Only" sale.
- 5/30/25 - All Livestock Entries and Returning Camping Contracts Close!!!
- 6/5/25 - Available Camping Spaces Open, 1st come 1st served.
- 6/30/25 - All Breeding Only Exhibitors & My Favorite - All Other Breeding Only Independent Breeding Exhibitors Paperwork & Photos Due!! NO EXCEPTIONS!!
Checklist All Breeding Only Exhibitors:
* YQCA's are Due
* Exhibitor/Parent Code of Conduct
Checklist My Favorite Exhibitors:
* Exhibitor/Parent Code of Conduct
- 7/29/25 - At the July Fair Weigh-In ALL Junior Market Animals are in Place (Except Rabbits and Breed Show Poultry).
Fair Weigh-In Checklist:
* Declaration of Medication Form - Per Market Animal
* Understanding of a Terminal Sale form - Per Market Animal
* In addition, Beef & Replacement Heifer exhibitors will be required to present
a Yellow Transportation Slip & Original Bill of Sale to the Brand Inspector
(Replacement Heifers do not require Declaration of Medication &
Understanding of a Terminal Sale forms).
- 7/30/25 - 7-8 am Health Inspection and Check-In for Rabbits & Cavies, Show Poultry Inspection & In Place. 2-5 pm All Open Livestock in place with vet check.
- 7/31/25 - 8/3/25 - AMADOR COUNTY FAIR!!!
FYI - Per CDFA, a Bill of Sale or Consignment (Yellow Slip) must be filled out and in the vehicle, any time cattle are transported within the State (i.e.: transporting to shows, pre-weigh and weigh-in, changing pastures, etc.). The yellow slip can be found on CDFA’s website here.
All Livestock forms are available at the bottom of this page. If you need a form that isn't listed, please contact entries@amadorcountyfair.com
If you need a form that isn't posted, please contact entries@amadorcountyfair.com
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